Wie umgehen mit elektiven Eingriffen während der Pandemie
Nehmen Sie teil an unserer virtuellen englischsprachigen Veranstaltung
am 1. Dezember um 19:00 Uhr.
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Covid-19 has placed extraordinary strains on healthcare systems around the world. Despite still being in the midst of the pandemic, healthcare providers continue to look to the future, and as many Operating Rooms re-open, the challenge of the soaring number of patients facing long waits for routine operations is coming into sharper focus.
Join us for a round table discussion on the important topic of navigating the post Covid-19 elective surgery backlog.
Areas to explore include:
- Strategies to deal with backlogs both short and long term
- Managing patients’ expectations around realistic waiting times prior to surgery
- Key learnings from the pandemic so far
- Staff and patient safety

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Welcome to our popular Mölnlycke Talks, now online! Optimising wound care through patient engagement. 22 June 2020, 19.00 CEST

Mölnlycke Talks online
Nehmen Sie teil an unserer virtuellen englischsprachigen Veranstaltung
am 23. November um 19:00 Uhr.
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