27.08.2024 um 14:00 Uhr
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Welcome to a seminar on the first ever consensus on surgical gloving best practice.
During 2023 an international panel of 13 surgical experts from a range of specialties and professions undertook an extensive systematic review of current evidence on surgical gloving practice. The outcome of their work was a series of recommendations to improve the safety, protection and experience of healthcare professionals and their patients.
We would like to invite you to learn more about this unique and important consensus work first-hand, from the experts involved. Our hope is that you will share the results with your peers and that you and your colleagues may be inspired to change your gloving practice as a result.
Moderator: Gary Hopkins
Chair: PD Dr. med. Andreas Enz, MD, Orthopedic Surgery, Germany
Deborah L Spratt, MPA BSN RN CNOR CHL, Chair New York State Council of perioperative registered nurses, US
Dr. Kurt Wharton, MD, Obstetrics & Gynecology, USA
Nathan Coombs, MD, Consultant Breast, Endocrine & General Surgeon, UK
Welcome and introduction by the moderator - Gary Hopkins
Purpose of the Consensus work and findings from research conducted in Germany- PD Dr. med. Andreas Enz
Glove fit - Deborah L Spratt
Double gloving and the use of Indicator systems - Dr. Kurt Wharton
Glove damage and change protocol - Herr Nathan Coombs
Improving surgical gloving practice with local and national guidelines - PD Dr. med. Andreas Enz
Moderated discussion and questions to the panel – all participants